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Izzy’s Story

After growing up with an alcoholic and abusive mother, experiencing sexual abuse and eventually homelessness and domestic abuse from partners, Izzy was living in a cycle of chaos.
Our Mpower service helped Izzy break free.

Izzy had vivid childhood memories of her mother having men come to her house for sex to pay for her crack and cocaine addiction. Sometimes, Izzy would be sexually abused.

Eventually, Izzy moved to Suffolk to live with her father and brothers. But after the traumas she had experienced as a child, Izzy struggled to find stability after the move.

She became pregnant, relinquished her son to her father’s care, and found herself on the streets. Izzy became entangled with gangs and violence and also had violent partners who severely abused her. She had no idea what a healthy relationship looked like.

Ormiston Families’ Mpower service intervened to offer Izzy the support she needed. Her practitioner helped her to access contraception, secure stable accommodation and manage her finances. She also participated in outdoor activities and skill-building programs, helping her to gain confidence and develop essential life skills.

Mpower also helped Izzy to focus on nutrition, positive parenting and mental health management. She was also provided with a laptop to help her enrol in online courses to enhance her employability.

With the service’s holistic, non-judgmental support, Izzy experienced significant improvements in various aspects of her life. She gained confidence, learned invaluable skills and achieved stability.

Although challenges persisted, Izzy acknowledged her progress and remained committed to her goals. She completed a number of online social care training courses and secured work as a youth worker.

Izzy’s relationships with her family improved, and she found comfort and support within the Mpower community. She said:

“I feel supported and listened to about my situation.”

Learn more about our Mpower service