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Breaking Barriers Conference 2025

This event has past, please view all our events

Inspiring change in how we support children & families affected by imprisonment.

Overcrowding, violence, drugs – the crisis in prisons is big news. But while debate centres on victims, prisoners and prison staff, the families of someone sent to prison often remain forgotten.

Drawing on significant experience supporting families affected by imprisonment, Ormiston Families brings together a range of experts including ex-prisoners, private sector innovators, and others working in the criminal justice space to share experience and expertise, and find solutions to an endemic issue.

Hear from Paul Cowley MBE, Director of Rehabilitation at Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation; David Breakspear, prison reform campaigner and peer mentor at Revolving Doors; research colleagues at the University of Suffolk; teams from Ormiston Families award-winning Breaking Barriers service and the voices of children and young people facing the reality of life with a loved one in prison.

A must attend event for anyone in contact with parents or children in the East of England.  Whether you are an employer or educator, influence or operate within social policy, or provide support directly to families or prisoners – you have a role to play in improving outcomes for those affected by the justice system.

This event, kindly supported by Ormiston Trust and Provide Community, is part of our Winter Appeal – ticket revenue will contribute to supporting children and young people with a loved one in prison to feel happier, stronger and understood.

For more information on this fascinating event, click here to view our promotional flyer.

Event Information & Tickets Close

Breaking Barriers Conference 2025 - Past Event

Wednesday, 26 February, 2025, 1:30 pm

The Hold, University of Suffolk

Standard admission


VCSE admission


Provide Community Grants

The Provide Community Grant scheme offers grants to charities and community interest companies that focus on health and social care support.

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